Sunday, August 10, 2014

Gone Too Fast

I have so many Mom moments where I think to myself "Time is going by waaaaaay too fast!" It can be a good thing though, because those become the moments that get photographed the most and create the best memories. Those moments of stillness that are extremely rare with a 15 month old, become cherished. Lately Maggie has loved sitting in her rocking chair in her room flipping through books and looking out her window. Really though she just loves that she is big enough to climb up there all by herself. 

Then there are these moments, when they actually pretend to like each other outside of feeding time, when scraps are dropped to them from her highchair.  One day they will be best friends, that is if Maggie learns to stop poking their eyes out. 

The bad moments have to be documented as well, no matter how angry I was ten seconds before this picture was taken. I was cleaning our bathroom while Maggie was playing by the tub. I turned my back literally for 30 seconds and when I came back, she had gotten into a bottle of nail polish and attempted to paint pretties on her face. I knew something was up when I heard her going "mmmmmm" in the bathroom, and knew there was nothing edible in there. She knew she was in deep crap and refused to hold still for a picture. My Bathmat is now a piece of artwork with hot pink splatters on it, as are the pants she was wearing. 

We had a cousins birthday on Saturday. She wasn't sure what to think of all these hats on everyone's head. 

Friday we took her to the Zoo for the first time. She was just as thrilled to run wild as she was to see the wild. All of her stuffed animals came to life and she was so captivated. We wound up buying an annual pass so we will be going back often. 

Daddy's shoulders made an excellent means of transportation when her legs gave out. 

Somewhere buried at my parents are pictures of myself and all of my sisters drinking from this fountain. It's an absolute must have photo for all kids. 

What size Gorilla are you?!?!

The train was the coconut syrup to her Dr. Pepper! Heaven. She loved it and giggled the whole way. The giraffes were even kind enough to come out as we Choo-Chooed on by. She was so much fun to watch. 

We capped off our week of growing too fast by making a giant measuring chart. You've probably seen these floating around on Pinterest. They are a cinch to make. I purchased my already primed piece of MDF from Home Depot for about $7.00. I wanted something white rather than the stained wood. I just then just marked my tic marks with a yard stick and painted them on. I got my number stencils at Hobby Lobby. Seriously the whole project took maybe 2 hours. I love having it right in our Kitchen reminding us how quickly they grow and to make the best of each moment. 

I took the liberty of marking her 1 year old know, for Good Measure ;)
This board will be so fun to look back at in twenty years and hopefully it will be filled with the markings of future littles, who I'm also sure will grow up way too fast. 

Happy Monday

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